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Meet Hannah - Phoebe Foundation CMN Feature

Meet Hannah

“I want to be a pediatrician when I grow up, so I can help kids, just like my doctors helped me when I was born!”

After having a miscarriage 3 years prior, LaPorshe was both excited and nervous when she found out she was pregnant in 2007. When she was 24 weeks pregnant, she went to her doctor because she was not feeling well, and she was told to stay off her feet for a few weeks. 2 weeks later, on August 25, 2007, LaPorshe was at her mom’s house and she just didn’t feel right. LaPorshe knew something was wrong, and asked her mom to take her to the emergency room. LaPorshe saw a doctor immediately, and he revealed that she was already dilated seven centimeters and would be having her baby that night.

LaPorshe was terrified and instantly began praying that her baby girl Hannah would make it. After 6 hours in labor, Hannah Alise came into the world weighing 1 pound, 11 ounces, with no time to spare. Two nurses from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit were already waiting on Hannah, and one told LaPorshe, “Hannah has a long way to go, but we will do everything we can to make sure she is okay.” In the midst of her fear, anxiety, and heartbreak – LaPorshe was assured Hannah was in good hands. Hannah was rushed to the NICU, without her mother even being able to hold her.

For the next three months, LaPorshe and Hannah took each day one step at a time. Hannah was so tiny and born so prematurely that most of her body was not fully developed. LaPorshe came to the NICU every single day, and gradually saw Hannah make progress. “I had never seen a baby like Hannah – so tiny, so fragile. You never truly understand having a preemie until it happens to you. I knew stories of babies bigger than her that didn’t make it, so I was thankful each day my baby girl was alive. Hannah is my miracle,” LaPorshe explains. LaPorshe was finally able to hold Hannah on October 18th. On November 10th, Hannah’s doctors told LaPorshe she could take Hannah home. When Hannah went home, she was on oxygen and a heart monitor. A week later, Hannah had her first follow up appointment and received wonderful news! She went home that day without the heart monitor and oxygen, and LaPorshe was beginning to feel relief from everything they had gone through together.

Since Hannah’s time in the NICU, she has become a healthy child with no complications. Hannah is a normal nine year old girl who loves reading, competition cheerleading, and going to Disney World. Hannah wants to be a pediatrician when she grows up, so she can help kids just like her. LaPorshe has fond memories of Hannah’s nurses, respiratory therapists, and doctors. “We had such a great team at Phoebe, and they had everything we needed to help Hannah. I am forever thankful for everything they did for our family.”

For more information, call Phoebe Foundation at 229-312-4483 or toll-free at 877-312-4483. You can also email Phoebe Foundation at