The New Logo
The New Tagline
With friendly curves and inviting colors, our new logo represents Phoebe’s support for the community and celebrates the balance between ongoing innovation and patient-centered healthcare.


A Smart Balance to Progress: The dynamic, growing but balanced shapes demonstrate our practice of always evaluating, innovating and growing in our approach to delivering better care.

Involved, Patient-centered Care

Compassionate Embrace: Overlapping swirls of color represent our close, symbiotic relationship with patients – embracing and understanding their needs and delivering compassionate care that supports our community’s overall wellness. Blue denotes trust and reliability while green conveys health, newness and a nod to Phoebe’s history.

Collaboration, System-ness

Cycle of Care: Represents the continuum of care, demonstrating how Phoebe supports patients at all stages of life and all levels of care. Also reflects the longevity of serving the health and wellness needs of our community for more than 100 years.

Innovation and Trust

Advanced and Approachable: The warm grey tone and cross-strokes of the font provide interest and a subtle nod to the hospital cross symbol while maintaining readability. We made the font even more distinct and ownable by adding subtle curvature to complement the mark.