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Best Friends Celebrate 30 Years of Service at Phoebe

Albany, GA | June 12, 2024 - Thursday marks a remarkable milestone for two best friends, Carla Rush and Mawanna Winbush, who have dedicated 30 years of service to Phoebe Putney Health System. Their journey together began long before their professional careers when they met in the 7th grade at Albany Middle School.  They have remained inseparable for 38 years. 

Carla and Mawanna got their first jobs together at Krystal’s, but it was Carla’s decision to apply to Phoebe in 1994 that changed the course of their lives. "Carla told me she was going to apply for a job at Phoebe, and I told her I'd ride with her. We both applied and were hired the same day," said Winbush. 
On June 13, 1994, they both began working in Central Sterile Processing at Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital, a role they shared for ten years. Carla then transitioned to the Cancer Center, with Mawanna joining her a few months later. They later moved to a Phoebe primary care clinic, demonstrating their commitment and adaptability. Their personal lives also reflect their deep bond. Both had children just four months apart.  Their children attended the Family Tree child development center together on Phoebe’s main campus and remain friends to this day. 
"Working at Phoebe for the last 30 years has been an amazing experience. I met some amazing people that had a great impact on my life,” Mawanna said.  “I remember starting my career at Phoebe working the second shift and the Phoebe Family Tree made provisions for my son and Carla's daughter to attend. Two employees would be there for us after all the others had left, and that really stuck out to me because I knew then that this was an organization that I wanted to work for. An organization that values its employees and their families. It has been a great 30 years," Mawanna added. 
Carla’s journey included time at Phoebe Sumter and the business office before she settled into her current position in Talent Acquistion/Human Resources. Mawanna now makes a significant impact working as the Account Executive with Phoebe’s Mobile Wellness Clinic. Despite the changes and challenges, their friendship remained a constant source of support and strength. “If Carla hadn’t made the decision to apply to Phoebe, I have no idea what my career path would’ve been,” Mawanna said. 
“Honestly for me, it’s been a great 30 years! I’ve met so many wonderful people, developed some great relationships. I've had the opportunity to work in different areas within the organization. My kids attended the Family Tree, which made my life so much easier. Even with the challenges during these 30 years, I learned to embrace them because they helped me to become a stronger and better person,” Carla said.  “The years have gone by so fast that it truly doesn’t feel like it’s been that long. Phoebe hasn’t just provided me with a paycheck, but it has also provided me with opportunities for growth and I am appreciative of that. I love coming to work each day because I know the work I do and the opportunities I help extend to others are changing people's lives.” 
Even though the two best friends now work in different departments, they are both based on Phoebe’s North Campus, and they see each other virtually every day.  They are proud of their enduring friendship and of their 30 years helping Phoebe live up to its vision to make every life they touch better.