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Meet the Moore Family

Meet the Moore Family

"We are forever grateful for Phoebe Putney and the NICU staff that took up the fight alongside us and our tiny little warriors.” Kristen Moore, mother

Kristen and Jeremy had two beautiful little girls when they found out they were pregnant again. They had been pregnant a third time, which ended in an unexpected miscarriage that devastated their family. They were thrilled when they discovered they would have another baby. Kristen had two full term pregnancies with no complications, so Kristen and Jeremy were terrified when they started having problems at 22 weeks. There is not a NICU in the Moore’s hometown, so they were transported to Phoebe. Although Kristen was actively dilating and contracting, medication and hospital bed rest allowed Kristen’s baby to stay put for a few more weeks.

On the night before Kristen started week 27 of the pregnancy, her labor progressed and became very intense. Kristen was rushed in for an emergency C-section and their miracle Meredith Moore was born at 6:11 am weighing 2 pounds and 8 ounces.  Kristen had to be completely sedated for the C-section and had just sent her family home for a night of rest after weeks of uncertainty. Kristen was completely alone and she remembers it being the hardest moment of her life to go to sleep not knowing if she would ever hear her baby cry.

Kristen woke up in recovery and heard that Meredith had come out fighting. She was crying loudly at birth but was intubated because they were not sure how well she would be able to breathe. Meredith came off the ventilator in less than 24 hours after she was born. Kristen remembers how fragile Meredith was – how she could see through her skin and see every tiny vein. Meredith was in the NICU for 72 days. The Moore family lived an hour and a half away from Phoebe and drove nearly every day to see Meredith, even if it was just for 30 minutes. Meredith experienced kidney problems until about 2 years of age but is otherwise a completely healthy little girl. She has never had any delays and even walked very close to her first birthday. Kristen says Meredith is still as feisty as the day she was born. She has a sign in her room that says “though she be but little she is fierce” by Shakespeare and she certainly is!

Four years went by and after a few more miscarriages the Moore’s thought their family was complete.  Kristen and Jeremy were surprised to find out they were expecting again in May of 2016. Kristen saw a specialist right away and the doctor watched them both carefully. At about 24 weeks the doctor noticed Kristen’s body seemed to be preparing for another early delivery. Kristen was put on bed rest again and began medication to try to hold off contractions. Kristen’s doctor decided it was best to remain in the hospital until delivery. With 3 children at home this was very difficult, but Jeremy and Kristen’s family and friends rallied around them to help them take care of everything.  At 29 weeks, Kristen started having steady contractions and her water broke. Matthew Moore was born weighing 3 pounds. Like his big sister Meredith, Matthew was intubated for a short period and then placed on oxygen.  Matthew had good skin color and so much dark hair all over. His daddy was very proud of how manly he looked. Matthew had his ups and downs as every baby in the NICU does, but after 35 days in the hospital he was brought home.                              

Meredith is now almost 5 and perfect in every way. Matthew is now almost 6 months old and doing wonderful. “We are so thankful for the hospital staff that treated us so wonderfully and loved on our babies when we couldn’t be there. Every life is a gift and we are so grateful to the Lord for blessing us with these precious children and the privilege of watching them grow. We are forever grateful for Phoebe Putney and the NICU staff that took up the fight alongside us and our tiny little warriors.” Kristen expressed.

For more information, call Phoebe Foundation at 229-312-4483 or toll-free at 877-312-4483. You can also email Phoebe Foundation at