Phoebe Thanks the Community for Continued Support

CommunityDonation1 2022articleAlbany, GA | February 11, 2022 – Phoebe Putney Health System continues to be amazed by the support from the community as they battle through another COVID-19 surge. From food donations to thank you letters from across the country, the Phoebe Family continues to be grateful for the encouragement.

Recently, Grace City Church donated giftbags to the emergency center at Phoebe’s main campus and yesterday, Finnicum Motor Company donated pizzas to feed employees at Phoebe’s north campus, where a majority of COVID-19 patients are cared for.

Like so many others, Mike McVey, with Finnicum Motor Company, says they do it because it’s just the right thing to do.  

CommunityDonation2 2022article“The generosity of our community during these stressful times is very much appreciated. Mike, with Finnicum Motors, has recognized our team by purchasing pizzas for the staff during every surge we have experienced. It is the small things that can lift the spirits of workers during this long COVID journey, and he – like so many others – have certainly done that for our caregivers,” said Tom Sullivan, Senior Vice President, North Campus Administrator.

No matter the gesture, Joe Keenard, RN, the Interim ICU Manager at the north campus, says employees are truly grateful when community members, patients and families say thank you. “It is touching that even after everything we have been through as a community, we continue to be surprised by the support we get from our neighbors,” added Keenard.

PHOTO CAPTION: (Top Photo) Phoebe employees grab pizza to bring back and share with departments. (Bottom Photo) Members of Grace City Church deliver giftbags to Phoebe employees.