When to Involve Hospice

We realize the decision to involve hospice is often difficult to make, and we can help patients and families work through this sensitive process. When considering whether hospice care is appropriate, Phoebe Hospice is an option for people facing any disease for which a cure is no longer possible.

The best time to learn about hospice is before you need it.

When the goal of treatment begins to shift from curing the illness to providing comfort, it is time to consider hospice. Sadly, many people wait far too long before involving hospice in the care of their loved one. Hospice is not about dying – it is about living every day until you die.

Phoebe Hospice can provide services to patients and families for months, not just for their final hours or days. By contacting hospice early in the diagnosis, the patient and family are able to spend precious time together.

Hospice and Palliative Care

Hospice care and palliative care are vital services that Phoebe offers to bring comfort to people from a serious illness or injury. They are often connected and generally similar, but important differences may exist. Hospice care involves aspects of palliative care, but palliative care is not always hospice care.

For more information on hospice care, please see below.

Signs That a Loved One May Be Ready For Hospice

Hospice care directly involves the patient, family, physician and any loved ones who may serve as caregivers. We don’t replace your doctors; we work with them to ensure you are receiving the best care possible – we simply combine our team of experts with your existing team.

  1. Repeated hospitalizations or trips to the ER
  2. Failure to “bounce back” after medical set-backs occur
  3. Experienced one or more life-threatening infections during the past six months
  4. Unintentional weight loss and/or decreased food intake
  5. Difficulty swallowing
  6. Increased assistance needed for walking, eating, bathing, dressing and/or going to the toilet
  7. An increase in pain, nausea, breathing distress or other symptoms
  8. Decreased alertness – patient is emotionally withdrawn, sleeping more or having increased difficulty with comprehension
  9. Caregiver finds it more and more difficult to take care of the loved one
  10. Medical professional has given the patient a prognosis of six months or less