Michael Sein, DO
Family Medicine Physician
Albany Area Primary Healthcare
Dr. Michael Sein has been practicing medicine at Albany Area Primary Health Care (AAPHC) since 1999. He is currently the Clinical Director at Dawson Medical Center and serves as the Chair of the Family Medicine Department and the Education and Research Committee at AAPHC.
Dr. Sein is a graduate of Nova Southeastern Medical School in Florida and completed residency training at St. Vincent Medical Center in Jacksonville, Florida. Dr. Sein is Board certified in Family Medicine and is an adjunct faculty member at the Phoebe Family Medicine Residency Program in Albany. He thoroughly enjoys being actively involved with teaching resident physicians as well as medical students.
Prior to medical school in 1991, Dr. Sein had several jobs and training including as a stockbroker in New York City, Research and Development at Hercules Corporation, and he attended University of Kentucky College of Dentistry.
Phoebe does not currently conduct or support studies involving prisoners, pregnant women, human fetuses or neonates.