Safety First to Become an HRO

Through cultural and operational shifts, Phoebe is striving to become a higher reliability organization (HRO). The HRO initiative is part of the ‘Stay Safe’ promise within our Phoebe Focus philosophy. Our safety journey is part of our continuous improvement as an organization to have better quality and compassionate care.

What is an HRO?

An HRO is an organization that operates in a highly complex, elevated-risk environment and embraces a deliberate, structured and programmatic approach to safety.

At Phoebe, we are committed to improving processes to prevent patient harm. Our focus on patient safety has resulted in a 61% reduction in patient harm over the past three years, and we continue to press on to our goal of zero patient harm.

What’s the program purpose?

The purpose of the program is to improve patient and workforce safety.

Successful HROs are guided by and committed to a goal of zero accidents or adverse incidents.

Why is it important for a hospital to be an HRO?

Hospitals are highly complex systems that care for humans and are staffed with humans. In order to correctly perform their intended functions, humans in a complex system need to be armed with skills and behaviors that reduce the chance of error. Safety management systems support reduced probability of error by improving safety culture.

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