What is CCM? The Optimizer® Smart Mini is a minimally invasive implantable device that treats patients with moderate to severe heart failure symptoms. It operates by delivering precisely timed electric pulses called cardiac contractility modulation (CCM) therapy. Phoebe is having remarkable success improving the heart function of patients with the Optimizer® Smart Mini.
The device takes about 30 minutes to implant, and it begins to work immediately. The electrical stimulation helps the heart adapt to the weakness in a manner that can make the heart function more efficiently and, in some cases, make it stronger.
How effective is CCM? In clinical trials, 81% of patients with this device experience a significant improvement in their heart function, allowing them to return to normal daily activities without any problems. Forty percent of them improved to the point that they could exercise without any limitations.
Which patients are appropriate candidates for CCM? Symptomatic heart failure patients with weak heart muscles who do not qualify for another treatment called cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) may qualify for CCM. Phoebe Electrophysiologist Dr. James Coman is the only physician in south Georgia implanting the Optimizer® Smart Mini. You would need to be referred to Dr. Coman by your primary care provider or cardiologist.
You may request an appointment with a Phoebe cardiologist at:
– Phoebe Cardiology – Albany 229-312-1022
– Phoebe Cardiology – Americus 229-931-7159
– Phoebe Cardiology – Camilla 229-336-5208