Patient Rights & Responsibilities

Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital is dedicated to the principles of respect, dignity, and privacy in the administration of health care.

The delivery of health care involves rights, duties, and responsibilities on the part of the patient, the hospital, and health care practitioners.

Patients have the right to:

  • Impartial access to high quality care.
  • Considerate care provided with respect, dignity and privacy and with regard to your personal values, cultures, beliefs, and preferences.
  • Expect to be cared for by qualified personnel.
  • Be free from mental, physical, sexual, or verbal abuse and neglect, exploitation or harassment.
  • Expect that you and, if you desire, your family members or representatives participate in health care decisions and that Advance Directives will be honored within the limits of the law and the organization’s mission, philosophy and capabilities. To have a representative to exercise these rights when you are unable to do so for yourself.
  • Be assured of confidentiality of your medical records unless as otherwise allowed by law or by patient or representative authorization.
  • Be advised of your diagnosis, treatment and progress.
  • Have informed participation in decisions regarding your care and end-of-life issues.
  • Participate in resolving dilemmas about care, treatment or services that may arise, including a consult with our Ethics Committee.
  • Except in emergencies, to have the right to receive, before treatment or procedures, information from your doctor so that you can decide if you want the treatment or procedure.
  • Refuse any medicines, treatment or test offered by the hospital, to the extent allowed by law. A doctor shall inform you of what may happen if you refuse the medicine, treatment or test.
  • Have a family member or representative of your choice and your own physician notified promptly of your admission.
  • Expect that the hospital will take reasonable steps to maintain a safe environment, including the physical environment as well as any equipment used in connection with your treatment.
  • Expect that you will be given instructions about how you should take care of yourself after you are released from the hospital and any follow up care required.
  • Pastoral and other spiritual services.
  • Access information contained in your medical records within a reasonable time frame unless restricted by your physician for medical reasons.
  • Be free from seclusion or restraints of any form used as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience, or retaliation by staff.
  • Access to protective and advocacy services.
  • Have your pain appropriately assessed and managed.
  • Without blame, to register complaints regarding your care, orally or in writing, by you or your representative with any of your caregivers, with the Guest Relations Department, or with an administrator and to have complaints reviewed, and resolved when possible.
  • Be cared for by staff educated about patient rights and their role in supporting those rights.
  • Impartial access to treatment or accommodations that are available or medically indicated, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, national origin or sources of payment for care.
  • Have a support person of your choice visit at any time.
  • Know the name of the physician who has primary responsibility for coordinating your care and the names and professional relationships of other healthcare workers who care for you.
  • Receive information in a language that you can understand. As needed, sign language and interpreter services, Language Line Rover and over-the-phone interpretation, will be provided at no cost.
  • A full explanation of benefits, risks and alternatives when asked to be part of a medical care research or donor program. No research or donor program will be carried out without your informed consent or that of your representative. You or your representative may at any time, refuse to continue in any such program to which you earlier gave informed consent.
  • Look at and receive a detailed copy of your bill. If needed, you will be given full information and counseling to help find financial help for your care.
  • When medically appropriate, you may be transferred to another facility upon your consent or the consent of your representative. You or your representative has the right to be informed of the reason for the transfer and the risks and benefits associated with the transfer. You may also be transferred at your request upon consultation with your physician. Before any transfer occurs, the facility to which you are being transferred must agree to receive you.
  • File a complaint with state authority or accrediting body. If you have any concerns about the care you have received, you may contact The Georgia Department of Human Resources Health Care Facility Regulation, 2 Peachtree Street NW, Suite 31, Atlanta, GA 30308 or at 404-657-5728, toll free at 800-878-6442, or The Joint Commission, Office of Quality Monitoring, One Renaissance Blvd., Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181, or toll free at 800-994-6610, or The Georgia Medical Care Foundation, 1455 Lincoln Parkway East, Suite 800, Atlanta, GA 30346 or at 404-982-0411.

Patients are Responsible for:

  • Following hospital rules and regulations regarding patient care and conduct.
  • Being considerate of the rights of others, including the control of noise and the number of visitors.
  • Providing accurate and complete healthcare information.
  • Asking questions when you do not understand information or instructions.
  • Following the treatment plan that has been developed for the individual needs or limitations recommended by the doctor or staff except to the extent you decline or refuse any suggested treatment.
  • Taking responsibility for your actions if you refuse treatment or do not comply with the plan of treatment.
  • Reporting pain and the results of pain management.
  • Providing us information about your insurance and working with the hospital if you need help to pay your bill.
  • Sharing your concerns with hospital personnel if treatment or care seems unsafe or improper.