Start the School Year off Healthy
By: Dr. Jill Olek, Primary Care Physician
It is that time of year again; school is in session. This can be exciting but also overwhelming time. At Phoebe, we have you covered! Let our medical staff help you and your children stay healthy this year.
Children will start participating in after school programs and often times will need medical clearance from a health practitioner in order to do so. This is because the sports physical identifies those children that are at risk of injuring themselves. If issues are identified, Phoebe providers are able to help guide you on how to keep your child safe. Sport physicals are provided at any Phoebe Primary Care facility, or your pediatrician’s office.
Additionally, schools will require proof of immunization. Immunizations help prepare our bodies to fight infection and are very important to keep our children, and ourselves healthy. Vaccines are safe and effective. They are necessary in order to keep our children safe. Whether it is the flu, tetanus, polio, meningitis, HPV or other vaccines, Phoebe is able to provide your immunization. We will work together to support your children through these years and help them to grow into healthy adults!