Volunteer Spotlight – Heidi Ellion

Heidi Ellion may have been born and raised in New England, but southern hospitality has become dear to her heart.  She loves the politeness and charm of the south, and she certainly embodies those characteristics in her service at Phoebe.

Heidi volunteers in our Volunteer Services Department where she enters volunteer hours and assists Volunteer%20 %20Heidi%20Ellionwith any other task that is asked of her.  Previously, she volunteered in Admitting and Registration at our main hospital and served on Phoebe’s Volunteer Advisory Board. She goes above and beyond every day and is quick to lend a helping hand. She always comes to the office with a smile, ready to offer kind words to our staff and friendly support to any patient she meets.

Heidi is married to David Ellion and is the mother of 14 year-old Reece Anne and 10 year-old Blaine. They are members of St. Teresa’s Church. She volunteers for Deerfield Windsor School and is a past president of both the Junior League of Albany and the Charity League. In the past, Heidi also volunteered at the Flint Riverquarium and Girls Inc.

She enjoys spending time with her family. They enjoy boating, SCUBA diving and snorkeling, and many weekends find the family travelling for soccer games and spending time in Florida. They also try to visit family in her home state of Connecticut as often as they can.  Heidi graduated from Boston University with a degree in geology.  She and her husband own an environmental engineering company.

The Volunteer Services team looks forward to seeing Heidi each day she gives her time.  She is constantly ready to step up and fill any role.  We’re grateful she has been a dedicated volunteer for six years, and we look forward to many more years of seeing her smiling face.