Wellness Watch – Women’s Health

Women's Health

If you believe the stereotype, women are more concerned about their health and visit the doctor more than men. That’s not necessarily true. And even if a woman does see a physician regularly, she may have unique healthcare needs that can only be adequately met when she takes an active role in her healthcare and has an open and honest relationship with her doctor. Phoebe Primary Care Physician Dr. Jannice Beckford has some helpful advice for women.

Here are 10 health screenings that are important for women.

  1. Blood pressure
  2. Cholesterol
  3. Pap smear
  4. Mammogram
  5. Bone density
  6. Blood glucose
  7. Colon cancer
  8. Skin examination
  9. Body mass index
  10. Mental health

The National Institutes of Health has more information on what screenings are important for women and when they should have them. Here are the NIH recommendations for women ages 18 – 39. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/007462.htm.

And here are the recommendations for women 40 and older. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/007467.htm.