Message from Compliance and Ethics
Phoebe’s commitment to compliance and ethics is essential to our business practices and is critical to the success of our mission, vision, and values. Phoebe employees have a duty to follow the Code of Conduct and report any situations that could potentially lead to actions that violate Phoebe policy, the Code of Conduct, laws, or regulations.
Jonathan McGuire | Chief Compliance and Privacy Officer
Phoebe Compliance & Ethics
You may choose to report a concern or ask a question anonymously.
To ensure anonymity and confidentiality, the Phoebe Compliance & Ethics Line is maintained by a third party company, Navex Global. Your call will not be traced or recorded. If you provide contact information, your identity will be protected to the extent allowed by law and to the extent that is does not hinder the investigation. Each report will be investigated and corrective actions will be taken where needed.
Non-Retaliation Policy
No disciplinary action or retaliation will be taken against you when you report in good faith a perceived issue, problem, concern, or violation (by others) to management, Human Resources, or the Compliance and Ethics Department.
What happens when you make a report?
To begin a report, please call the Phoebe Compliance & Ethics Line, 1-844-606-1766, or click here to access the web form.