Donate Foundation

Centennial Endowment; Caring For Future Generations

Philanthropic funds provided through Phoebe Foundation have helped make Phoebe a world-class medical center that provides services to people of our region – even in times of severe economic stress. Each year Phoebe provides more than $35 million in indigent care.

With 100 years of serving Southwest Georgia, Phoebe has continually moved forward to meet expanding healthcare needs. As prudent and caring guardians of philanthropic funds received by our hospital, it is the mandate of Phoebe Foundation to look toward the future and be sure that we can provide the same medical excellence for those coming after us.

The Phoebe Centennial Endowment Fund will provide a renewing source of income that allows Phoebe to maintain the quality of its programs for our children and grandchildren.

Just as university endowment funds help guarantee the future of education, the Phoebe Centennial Endowment Fund helps assure the preservation of our community’s exceptional healthcare system.

Your gift to the Phoebe Centennial Endowment Fund marks a commitment to and a tangible connection to the Southwest Georgia citizens of the next 100 years.


Phoebe Resources