Pulmonary Rehab Can Help You Live and Breathe Easier
When you’re living with chronic lung disease, everyday activities such as walking or climbing stairs can get progressively harder. Our pulmonary rehabilitation program is specifically designed to build your knowledge and fitness to help you breathe as well as you possibly can.
Our program includes education and exercise training tailored to your individual needs. The sessions are monitored by our medical team who continually
monitor your oxygen saturation, blood pressure and heart rate rhythm.
Supervised and Monitored Exercise
Exercise can improve your muscle strength and improve your endurance to help you better tolerate your daily activities.
Educational Sessions
Health education improves understanding your disease and is vital to the preventive role of pulmonary rehab. Program topics include:
- Breathing retraining
- Medication management
- Oxygen therapy
- Nutritional needs
- Diseases awareness
- Smoking cessation
- Stress management
- Importance of exercise
Typically, you can expect to be enrolled in 1.5 hour sessions twice weekly for up to 30 sessions, depending on your progress.
Benefits of Pulmonary Rehab
Scientific research has proven that rehabilitation can improve daily quality of life. You may notice:
- Decreased fatigue and shortness of breath
- Increased endurance
- Decreased “flare-ups” of your disease
- Reduced anxiety/depression
- Enhanced ability to perform activities of daily living
- Increased knowledge about pulmonary disease and its management
- Reduced need for hospitalization and use of medical resources
Does insurance cover pulmonary rehab?
Pulmonary Rehabilitation is a Medicare approved program. Depending on your individual insurance plan, you may have a deductible. We will verify coverage for you.
Getting Started – What you will need:
- a desire to improve your breathing and ability to perform daily tasks
- a doctor’s order for pulmonary rehabilitation
- a qualifying pulmonary function test
For more information, call 229-312-5565.
Phoebe Pulmonology
2002 Palmyra Rd, Suite 101
Albany, Georgia
Fax: 229-312-5595