Education Investments

The Living & Learning Community project also included renovations and expansions to the Southwest Campus of the Medical College of Georgia and the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy Southwest Georgia Clinical Campus.
The Living & Learning Community is an outstanding partnership with Albany Technical College, but Phoebe also has vibrant and important relationships with other education institutions throughout Georgia.
Phoebe is a vigorous supporter of our area’s schools, colleges and universities and a proud innovator in healthcare education and training. From funding nursing faculty positions, student scholarships and a summer STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) Academy at Albany State University to encouraging and assisting Fort Valley State University with instituting its first nursing program, Phoebe continues to strengthen vital partnerships with numerous institutions.

Phoebe has a long history of investing in medical innovation with education partners throughout Georgia and beyond.
The Phoebe Family Medicine Residency Program was the first physician residency program in our region and has graduated nearly 170 physicians, the vast majority of whom have started their careers as practicing physicians in Georgia.
The Phoebe Health Science Pathway is an innovative program that is now being replicated throughout Georgia and has gotten national attention. It built on existing partnerships by creating a specialized curriculum that allows students at the Commodore Conyers College & Career (4C) Academy to begin working as certified nursing assistants at Phoebe while still in high school. They have the chance to complete their core college courses through dual enrollment as high school students at no charge so, upon graduation, they can go straight into the nursing program at either Albany State University (ASU) or Albany Technical College.
Phoebe also invested more than $5 million to create the Phoebe Simulation and Innovation Center.
The Simulation & Innovation Center is a state-of-the-art training and education lab located at the main campus in Albany. It is an incredible investment in patient safety and workforce development.