Ready for a dental appointment? The Acute Care Walk-in Clinic is a great resource for employees and now offers a new Dental Clinic service.
Services available:
- Exams
- Fillings
- Cleanings
- Crowns
- Extractions
- Dentures
- Root canals will be referred to Albany Area Primary Health Care, Inc.
Who is eligible for care?
All Phoebe employees, Phoebe employee spouses and dependents (age 8 years and up regardless of insurance coverage)*, Phoebe contract employees and Phoebe volunteers are welcome to take advantage of the Acute Care Clinic with appropriate charges applied.
* Dental services are available to all ages.
Employees who need to fill a prescription following a visit to the Acute Care Walk-in Clinic and are enrolled in Phoebe’s insurance may do so at the Employee Pharmacy located at 426-A Second Avenue, in Albany.
Services of the Acute Care Walk-in Clinic (except dental clinic services**) are provided for a base fee of only:
- $10 for all Phoebe employees
- $15 for all employee spouses/dependents (age 8 years and up) on the benefit plan
- $15 for contract/agency employees and volunteers
- $30 for employee spouses/dependents not on the benefit plan
Services are not filed on your insurance. However, you may file claims on your insurance for services such as x-rays or lab tests ordered. Payments may be made through payroll deduction or with cash, check, credit/debit card. Vaccinations and check-ups required by Phoebe are provided at no charge.
**Dental clinic services will be filed on your dental insurance. You will be subject to any associated co-pays as determined by your insurance carrier. Ask about the Albany Area Primary Health Care sliding scale discount program which can help offset your cost, if you qualify.